Monday, December 23, 2019

GlowZee - Bridal Boot Camp Package For The Brides-To-Be

So it’s a big day coming soon and you want to look the most stunning bride in the world as you walk down the aisle towards the love of your life. Come over at GlowZee and we’ll help you get the perfect look you want on your wedding day. Here are a few of the services we provide in our Bridal boot camp package NY:
·       We hold meetings with our clients and makeup experts and aestheticians and devise a skincare and makeup regimen to help achieve the most radiant skin on your wedding day.
·       We prepare the right service plan for you based on your timeline and budget.
·       Our service plan includes skin treatments, nutrition regimen, photography styles, makeover and much more!
·       All the skin treatments and makeover plans will be according to the bride’s skin texture, complexion and condition.
·       Join our bridal boot camp in NY to make sure you look perfect on your wedding day! It is recommended that you enroll at least three months before your wedding date to avoid rushing, however, we’ll make sure to give you all our special care no matter when you decide to enroll.

GlowZee - Bridal Boot Camp Package For The Brides-To-Be

Monday, December 2, 2019

A To-Do For Gujarati Weddings Makeup NY

Gujarati bridal makeup has a very bright yet elegant appearance. The bride is adorned with rich jewelry and accessories that make her look stunning. At Glowzee we make sure you get the perfect traditional Gujarati weddings makeup NY.
Here is a short yet precise to-do list we follow to help you achieve the perfect makeup look on your Gujarati weddings:
·         Application of matte foundations so as to avoid greasy texture on the skin.
·         Gujarati makeup uses a lot of kohl on the eyes, therefore, we use kohl and mascara after applying an eye shadow to complement your dress.
·         Blush is used lightly and more often a bronzer is preferred on the forehead, nose and chin areas.
·         For the lips a bold color is used. The lips are first defined by a lip liner and filled with a lipstick of the chosen color. A little gloss is also used to make the lips look plump and shiny. 
A To-Do For Gujarati Weddings Makeup NY